Wedding Gown Preservation

Wedding Gown Preservation
We work with a company that has specialized in Wedding Gown Preservation for over 100 years! When you bring us your dress, we will pack it up and have it sent to straight to them to have them carefully inspect and treat every stain and clean it to perfection. They will then preserve it in a nice white box with a clear window that allows you to see your dress without un-preserving it. Your dress will then be shipped straight back to you. This process can take anywhere from 2 - 4 months depending on how many gowns they have in their shop.
Interested in having accessories (veil, sash, garter, etc) cleaned as well? This service includes up to 3 accessories for free! Just bring them with your dress and we will take care of the rest.
Have a snag or something else that needs repair? Our preservation company can do that for you! We will send the dress and make any notes they may need, once they inspect the damage, they will send us a quote for the repairs. Once you pay that, the repairs will be made and your dress will continue to be cleaned and preserved.
Once you purchase your wedding gown preservation online, just show one of our stylists your receipt when you drop off your gown!